
Dashboards with Tooltip Pages

Today we will show you how to create reports with tool tip pages. We will create a sales report by country and products where products and countries will have tooltip pages which will appear when you will hover over their relevant fields. Link to the xlsx file used: #powerbi #tooltip #tooltips #powerbitooltips

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Team and Product Performance Analysis using Power BI

In this video, we will show you how to analyze the performance of teams, their members, product categories and products through Power BI dashboard. We will create monthly sales and profit charts and use slicers to filter the data by teams/members and products/categories. The excel file used for the data can be accessed at:…

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Key Influencers), Analyzing & Predicting Credit Risk

In this video we will show you how to use Key Influencers (Powe BI Artificial Intelligence). We will use credit risk data from web, and try to explain the loan default, by borrowers age, income, intent, home ownership, loan amount, etc. Dataset used in this tutorial can be downloaded from #AI #creditrisk #keyinfluencers #ai

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Python: Creating a GUI based application (calculator) in Python using tkinter (Tutorial)

In this video we will demonstrate python GUI application development using the tkinter library. We will create a basic calculator with buttons and display. Since the code is larger than usual, we have shared it via google drive: #pythongui #pythonguitutorial #python #tkinter #tkintertutorial 1. Creating screen/textbox: 2. Creating tags to justify text to…

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Expected Returns (Finance/Risk Management) using PyPortfolioOpt

Today we will calculate expected returns from historical data. We will calculate Mean historical return, Exponential Moving Average (EMA) historical return, and historical return using Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). We will also calculate Variance, Standard Deviation and Correlation using Statistics library. #expectedreturn #stockmarket #exponentialmovingaverage #capm #variance #standarddeviation #correlation #pypfopt

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