What is Power BI? Complete Introduction and Walkthrough for Beginners.

This video introduces and walks through the Power BI solution, a business analytics service by Microsoft that provides interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities through an easy-to-use interface. Power BI consists of key components like Power BI Service (a cloud-based service for publishing and sharing reports and dashboards, and creating new ones), Power BI Desktop…

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The DAX ACCRINT function calculates the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest. It takes several arguments, including the issue date, first interest date, settlement date, annual coupon rate, par value, frequency of payments, day count basis, and a logical value to determine the calculation method. The function returns the total accrued interest…

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DAX ABS Function

ABS stands for Absolute Value. It takes a number as input and returns its distance from zero, basically ignoring the positive or negative sign. So, ABS(5) returns 5, and ABS(-3) returns 3. You can use ABS to convert negative numbers into positives for calculations that only work with non-negative values. Imagine you need to find…

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Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on Netflix Userbase Dataset using Power BI and DAX

In this tutorial, we will perform Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on the Netflix userbase dataset. EDA is a technique used to summarize and analyze data sets using visualizations. The dataset contains various fields, including user ID, subscription type, monthly revenue, joining date, last payment date, country, age, gender, device, and plan duration. To get started,…

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