How to use onClick event trigger in HTML and JavaScript
OnCick event captures user’s click on a button. We will demonstrate how to use the onClick event to trigger a buttonClicked function, using HTML and JavaScript. #onclick #javascript #html
OnCick event captures user’s click on a button. We will demonstrate how to use the onClick event to trigger a buttonClicked function, using HTML and JavaScript. #onclick #javascript #html
In this video we will create a dashboard, using Sankey diagram. Sankey diagrams are a type of flow diagram, in which the width of the arrows is proportional, to the flow rate of the depicted extensive property. We will use a third party custom visual. The link to the custom visual is placed below. You…
Today, we will use Northwind Traders data, to create multiple dashboards in Power BI. Northwind Traders is a fictitious organization that manages orders, products, customers, suppliers, and many other aspects of a small business. This sample appeared with the first versions of Microsoft Access, and is still available as an Access template. You can download…
In this video, the speaker is explaining how to use the “on load” event in JavaScript. The “on load” event is triggered when an HTML element, such as the body tag, an iFrame, an image, a link, or a style, is loaded with content from an external source. To demonstrate the use of the “on…
Today, we will show you how to get the client’s system information, using Java Script. We will use Navigator class to extract system information such as product, version, language, platform, app name etc. #javascript #html #navigator
Today we will create a dashboard, showing crimes in Los Angeles, from 2020 onward. We will show you how to display crimes by type of crime, age, area, gender, descent, status, premises, weapon and location. We will use donut charts and map charts to display this information. Source data: https://data.lacity.org/api/views/2nrs-mtv8/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD #powrbi
In this video, we will show you how to use the fill features in MS Excel. These features allow you to quickly fill a range of cells with a series of data or a repeated value. This can be especially useful, when you need to enter a large number of similar values, or when you…
Today we will create a drill through report in Power b i. With drill through in Power B I reports, you can create a destination target page in your report, that focuses on a specific entity, such as a supplier, customer, or manufacturer. When your report readers right-click a data point, in other source report…
Today we will use Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) to create columns and tables in the Power BI and use those tables to display visualizations. Excel file: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cSmnIs9vW6cyJ5Z-vf1IjV-Gb7vk7feD/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=111966831820301688680&rtpof=true&sd=true Power BI File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FH8r45s8sO672lBCE0VVMwYw_PQyUD6J/view?usp=share_link #powerbi #dax
In this video we will show you how to add automatic, responsive and dynamic descriptions to your Power BI visualizations using Smart Narratives. We will use Electric Vehicles Registered with Washington Department of Licensing (https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/electric-vehicle-population-data) #powerbi #smartnarrative #dashboard